The “great journey” was a kind of educational trip that was undertaken by people from good families starting in the Renaissance to get to know the culture and customs of foreign countries, to gather new impressions and to acquire a certain sophistication. We draw inspiration from the rough route of these early tourists while broadening our travel horizons. 

We learn about the history of the French kings during our stays in Champagne, Paris and Fontainebleau. The Middle Ages become a theme when you travel through Burgundy and the Auvergne and marvel at various churches and monasteries. Even if at first glance Lyon is a city of churches, it is the art and cuisine that will interest us here. 

The landscapes of the Auvergne or the Cevennes offer peace and quiet away from the busy Rhone Valley. Then we dive into the world of antiquity: from Nimes the Romans are omnipresent and in Marseille we learn more about the Greeks who once founded the port city.

As always in France, we try out the regional cuisine and also visit historical places to stop for refreshments. Markets, small regional producers and shops bring variety to our plates and our wine glasses.

The journey ends on the Mediterranean near Marseille. Here you have to decide in which direction to proceed. The travellers of previous centuries moved on to Italy; We give you the freedom to extend your stay on site.