For decades we have been touring the Baltic States and more eastern areas such as Karelia and Leningrad Oblast. The routes are currently not feasible and so we are moving our program a little further west. The journey promises you a lot of driving pleasure on the journey over land, because there is also something to see. Blooming meadows, fields swaying in the wind, cool forests, small bodies of water and sandy beaches relax during the stage. Stop in the countryside or in one of the small towns along the way.

During the visits, the eventful history is explained, including Christianization and the time of the Teutonic Order and the Hanseatic League up to the Middle Ages. But also the more recent times when parts of our travel destinations were ruled by outside powers such as Prussia, Sweden, Russians and Germans. Well-preserved or rebuilt old towns, imposing brick buildings and modern monuments offer further photo opportunities. Health resorts and beach promenades invite you to stroll. The hospitality and a down-to-earth, traditional cuisine can be enjoyed everywhere.

In addition to the capital cities of Helsinki, Stockholm and Copenhagen, where things are more modern and hipper, you will visit historically interesting places such as Turku, Uppsala, Karlskrona and Odense. The inviting, cozy culture, be it in the streets lined with wooden houses, on the promenades or in the cafés, gives you the opportunity to stroll or chill.

The unusual Scandinavia offers sights such as a moose park, the match museum or a glasswork. We experience traditional things on visits to the archipelago, on the Göta Canal and on harbour tours. Various castles and palaces bring us closer to the kings and their children. We also learn more about one or the other hero of a well-known book.

A special highlight of the trip is the trip overland. Good country roads lined with colourful flower meadows lead past farmer's markets, strawberry stands and flea market barns. The journeys "over sea", be it on the ferry from Turku past the Aland Islands or over the bridges of the Öresund and Great Belt, are something special, like the entire journey.