As pioneers or ambassadors for camping tourism, you will visit foreign countries and other cultures.
Outside of Europe we are supported by local partners. In cooperation we show you the sights and attractions as well as make you experience the land and it people.
Find out what requirements have to met for you and your vehicle. Vitality, tolerance, being able to improvise are just as important as a cb-radio, sufficient engine power and loading capacity. On top of that we ask you to take some tools along. We recommend that a long distance trip is not your first group tour of this kind as we expect from you some social skills.
Long distance tours ask for a lot of planning and preparation. We highly recommend visiting an information event so you can be briefed. You want a private briefing? Contact us for an appointment.
For the various tours a certain amount of special documents is necessary. We will assist you in obtaining these.
The Carnet de Passages is a document that ensures that you will take your vehicle out of the country again. This is issued by a motoring club (i.e.. ADAC). In order to get this you must make a deposit or bring a bank guarantee to a part value of your vehicle. This deposit is returned to you once you have presented the vehicle as being "back home" with the EU customs.
We expect from you a personal statement, that you have spoken with your medical doctors and that they have no objection on you partaking in a long and strenuous tour. Also he/she confirms that you are not suffering from any diseases that can cause entry refusal in certain countries (i.e. Aids/Saudi Arabia).
For all trips outside of Europe you require an international driving license. Some countries also require an international vehicle document.
Should you require a second passport for the trip we will issue a document why this is needed. German nationals get this easily, participants from the Netherlands, Belgium, England, Austria, Switzerland and the United States have been issued second passports for a trip with us in the past.
In some countries there are special regulation concerning the travel with pets, the age of the driver (>70) or the vehicle (>15). Should this be the case with you, you may check with us prior to booking.